Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The Nicholson Chronicles-Day 8

THIS is your fig. This is your fig on drugs. This is your Fig Newton. Another glorious vacation day. Got up early and met Dad for breakfast at McDonalds in Siler City. Then we drove over to my friend Shelley's place to pick figs. She is a hoot. A complete ball of energy. In fact, she can be kind of exhausting to be around. Her sister told her she was like a hummingbird on crack. She and Dad got on like gangbusters. She was very anxious to get advice on gardening. If there is ONE thing Dad knows about, it is gardening. After all he has a lifetime of practical knowledge on the subject. He seemed very happy to share his expertise. We wandered around through the wet grass looking at all her projects until my shoes were soaked. My pants were wet up to the knees. I finally left them there talking so I could run over to Walmart and buy cheap eats. For dinner, me and Miquelito had sauteed squash and onions (Dad's fresh squash) and roasted okra (also Dad's, and freshly picked), with tomatoes on the side--more from the garden. DEEElish! Oh, and figs for dessert. Those were from Shelley's trees. We're going to watch 50s sci-fi movie later. Then, I guess, my vacation is over. *sigh* I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off. I did everything I wanted to do. I didn't overeat or overspend. And I really got to relax. It's worth it to have a job just so you can enjoy your time off. I wonder what unemployed people do on vacation???
Friday, August 10, 2012
The Nicholson Chronicles-Day 7
I went shopping. I went to 3 craft stores, a fabric store and the Dollar Store. It was wonderful. I go into a sort of trance when I wander around craft supplies. It's very relaxing. Book stores have the same effect. Funny thing though, clothing stores don't do it for me. Anywho, I digress. After tending to my inner child, I rushed back to Carrboro to see the performance for Miquel's band camp. He does a week long band camp for Carrboro Parks and Rec every summer and on the last day the kids do their thing. This year, they had 3 girls on guitar/vocal and a little boy drummer. They did Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day, and I Want to Hold Your Hand by the Beatles. The kids ranged in age from 9 to 12. They were adorable. It was fun. The rest of the evening was spent finishing up season 4 of Doctor Who and watching YouTube videos of Electric Light Orchestra, my new favorite old band. I miss the 70s...
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Nicholson Chronicles-Day 6. Birthday.

What a lovely day I had. The weather was perfect. I went to the new Pittsboro Public Library to get a card and take out some books. The library moved out of an old converted house into a beautiful new environmentally friendly building on the community college campus. I joined a book club at work last month and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I have rediscovered a love of reading. So, I joined another book club at the library. I can usually read an average size book every couple weeks if I'm properly motivated. As a kid I spent a LOT of time at the library in Alamogordo. I read all the time...then I got busy with life and sort of got out of the habit. We have a Kindle which is really cool and I love it, but I still like the feel of paper in my hands. There's something special about ink on paper. Words have real power. OK, so after that, I came home and piddled around and then Mike took me out for my birthday dinner. Instead of going to some fancy/schmancy place and spending a boatload of money, we went to our favorite eatery, Breadman's, in Chapel Hill. Then we went to Weaver Street Market for dessert and sat outside and read our books. It was glorious.
On This Day In History
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Nicholson Chronicles-Day 5

A self portrait. Today was a lazy day. I left the house only once to go get fresh supplies. Bertie stopped by to drop off some more of her stuff in preparation for her big move back home. This house is not so much a home as a warehouse. Actually, when all is said and done, a house is really just a place to store your stuff. And we got a LOT of stuff. We are very stuffy people. I have a lot of memories and sentiment tied up in my stuff, but otherwise, it's all pretty worthless. A clean, neat home would be nice, but I don't think I could live in a sterile environment. I need all this stuff to nourish my creativity. It's like fertilizer. And these days, I'm up to my ears in fertilizer. This is my last day as a 54 year old woman. Tomorrow I shall be a 55 year old woman. Wow. Who ever thought I would live so long...
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Chronicles: Day 4. I fall down go boom
Actually, I didn't "fall" down. I was knocked down. Early was romping and when he gets going he is like a runaway train. He side-swiped me...I went down like a bowling pin. I think he must have broken my fall--I heard him yelp. Still, I hit the ground pretty hard, kind of like a sack of wet diapers. I think my spine telescoped in on itself.
Another new it turns out no one wants to live in the camper. The compromise is this: Bert moves into Jon's room, which used to be Mal's room and Jon moves into the living room. The TV goes into my bedroom--which I'm NOT thrilled about since Miquel stays up until 2 or 3 and I get up at 6. Anyhow, I DO get to keep my hidey-hole craft room/studio, which used to be Bert's room, which then became Jon's room. When we're done playing musical rooms, everyone will have his/his own personal space. Of course, I'm now stuck with a camper. HEY--maybe I'll move out!
Another new it turns out no one wants to live in the camper. The compromise is this: Bert moves into Jon's room, which used to be Mal's room and Jon moves into the living room. The TV goes into my bedroom--which I'm NOT thrilled about since Miquel stays up until 2 or 3 and I get up at 6. Anyhow, I DO get to keep my hidey-hole craft room/studio, which used to be Bert's room, which then became Jon's room. When we're done playing musical rooms, everyone will have his/his own personal space. Of course, I'm now stuck with a camper. HEY--maybe I'll move out!
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Nicholson Chronicles-Day 3

I did leave the house once today...went to the grocery store. Do I know how to party or what?! I finished reading the book about those Chilean miners. Excellent. Spent the rest of the day working my way through a "to do" list and watching "Doctor Who." Miguel has started teaching band camp at Carrboro Parks & Rec, so I have the house to myself during the day. That's a weird experience. I'm dieting as hard as I can. I need to lose about 20 pounds in the next couple months. Fat chance of that (pun intended). One good thing--there is an abundance of fresh fruit and veggies right now. I have just about OD'd on watermelon. Then I get plenty of exercize running to the bathroom. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with some friends from church. There's this wonderful little grill on the main drag in Pittsboro. Any cafe that still has pimento cheese and fried bologna on the menu is A-OK in my book. But, keeping the diet in mind, I suppose I'll be limited to water and iceberg lettuce.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Nicholson Chronicles--Day 2

So..I've started my vacation. Since I'm not going anywhere, I guess it's really more of a STA-cation. Let's see, yesterday I washed the dogs and put some cinderblocks up under the trailer. Then I had to rest from all the excitement. Today, I went to see Dad after church and picked up some tomatoes and okra. Then went to see a friend, Sunnina, who has been having health problems. She gave me a lovely necklace for my birthday. I roasted the okra for dinner. Delicious. My current favorite TV show is coming on in a few minutes--Breaking Bad. I think this may be the last season. I guess there's only so much you say about a guy who cooks meth for a living. Tomorrow I will see Mal, who needs money for some classes this semester. I'd probably never hear from my kids if I didn't have any money. Just kidding. They like me, even when I don't give them money.
Sunday, July 22, 2012

I finally resigned myself to the fact that some of these trees near the house needed to come down and that I was going to have to pay someone to do it. A couple of them were already dead inside and it was only going to be a matter of time before a storm or strong wind knocked them over and sent them through my roof. So, I consider this rural renewal. I wish I could tap into some of that gov'ment assistance money, a grant or something. The other new development: so, Mal moved to Carrboro with an old friend of his to be closer to his job and further from his parents. I was so sad to see him go that I moved Jon into his room and took back my crafting hidey hole. WELL, then Bert got accepted into the ultrasound technology program at Johnston Community College and decided it would be financially prudent to move back home for a couple of years. That's all well and good, but I refuse to relinquish control of my newly re-acquired personal space again. We considered putting her in the living room, which we had done once before when we had all the kids living here. That didn't work out for a couple of reasons: 1. the TV had to go into the bedroom and since I go to sleep at 10pm and Mike likes to sit up and watch TV until 2 or 3 am...the arrangement was not conducive to good marital relationships. And 2. Bert likes her evenings quiet for study and reading, so when Mike is recording bands or rehearsing in the studio, the noise level is pretty intense. To make a long story short (too late!) we had to add a new room. Of course, the addition had to be within our very limited budget. Hence, the acquisition of a FABulous new (used) camper. I'm sorry to say Bert is horrified at the prospect of living in a trailer. I think she needs to get over herself. The girls has champagne taste on a beer budget. As my father has often said, "Poor people gots poor ways." So true, so true... Once I get the pink plastic flamingoes and garden gnomes it will look great and everything will be just fine.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
More animal pictures

Memorial Concert

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Captain America
I had to post a picture of the new kid on the block. Here's Cappie checking out Mike's recording equipment. He is so super mellow...the cat, I mean. Actually Mike is pretty mellow his own self. I think we're at critical mass now, as far as mammals are concerned. We're running out of room. If the Ferals return, they'll have to make other sleeping arrangements. There's no more room at the inn. I am probably (definitely) a crazy cat lady, but even I have my limits.
tree fall down go boom
Looks like I lost a tree. Not to worry, I still got plenty left. In fact, I'm hoping a few more fall down...just don't want them to fall on the house.
CAT UPDATE: I released the ferals and they immediately headed for the hills. The ingrates. Haven't seen hide nor hair of them since. Oh well, easy come, easy go. I wish them well in their next lives. Well, that left an opening and a friend at work had a cat she needed to find a new home for...and well, we ended up with a new cat. He's a black and white tuxedo cat, very sweet and not at all bothered by the dogs. His name--Capt. America. His friends know him as Cappie. The final count: 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 adult children, 2 fat squirrels who won't stay off the birdfeeder and one fat and tired old woman.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Today I feel...
...Pretty darn good (all things considered). I had an appointment this morning at the UNCH Cardiology Clinic which is located in this super ritzy subdivision near the university. They did an EKG and stress test. I'm happy to report that I have "positive cardiac activity" so I'm not dead. I was beginning to wonder. I am fairly certain that any and all problems I have at this point in my life are directly related to my advanced size, poor diet and stress. Once again, the answer is eat less and exercize more. Serioiusly, I don't have time to be healthy. I have about a bazillion projects started right now...arts and crafts...reading/ related related stuff. I figure the Lord won't call me home until I tie up a few of these loose ends down here first. So, that means I will live at least another 50 or 60 years.
Meet the Ferals
The boys are all right! They are becoming more vocal and venturing out of their little carriers. Of course, the true test will come when I open the door to the crate and let them out. They might head for the hills, or they might just settle in and take up residence. I hope so. I named the gray and white tabby, Will. As in Will Feral. ha ha. Get it? Will Ferrell? Will Feral? Because he's a "feral" cat. I amuse myself. The other guy is Boz Scabs. Because he has a scab on his nose from when he was trapped. He is named for the musician, Boz Skaggs. ha ha. Yes, I am quite the jokester. There's such a fine line between clever and stupid. I may have crossed the line already.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Free-range Feral Cat Farm
Oh, and Happy Mother's Day. This is my first mother's day without a mother. It's kind of weird.
I decided I needed a new project, so one afternoon as I was wandering through the local pet supply shop looking for fun new toys for my dogs, I saw a flyer for this place looking for homes for rescued feral cats. These are cats that have become wild and do not make good house pets, but need a safe place to hang out. This local group is doing a Trap-Neuter-Release program. Since we were down to one cat, I called them up. So, it turns out there were a bunch of cats living in and around some old woman's house in Hillsborough and the neighbors were going to call animal control to round them up and kill them. They trapped the ones that they could and had them fixed and doctored up. Yesterday, 2 very sweet ladies, Mary and Maggie, brought 2 guys over. They set up 2 crates with litter boxes and food and water bowls and even gave me the food and litter. SO, I have 2 young-ish males, a yellow tabby and a gray and white tabby. They were trapped and neutered this week, so they are grumpy. So far they have been sulking in the crates, but they are eating and pooping. After a week or 2, I'll let them out and HOPEFULLY they'll set up residence nearby. I'll feed them, otherwise, they remain wild. I'll take a picture when they relax. They are camera shy right now.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Happy Nurses' Day
To kick off the Nurses' Week celebration, we decided to dig out the old uniforms. We had a nice time reminiscing about our nursing school days and those early days on the floor as hospital staff nurses. And then we all agreed, "Thank God that's over with!" No more nights, weekends or holidays. No more getting called in to work on your day off. No more coming to work sick because you know there's no replacement available. No more aching legs and feet or trying to eat your meal in 5 minutes because patient call lights are going on. No more cleaning up stuff too foul to even mention here. Yes, indeed, we put in our time and now we could coast on through to retirement in our cushy office jobs.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
today I feel...
something terrible happened when I turned 50. I used to be a reaonsonably happy, healthy 40-something...then I turned into a grumpy, overweight, dyspeptic, menopausal, old bag. Just kidding. Actually, I think I'm okay for my age. I'm right in there at the 50th percentile for everything. God knows things could be worse. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow. Not looking forward to that. The drummer in Mike's band, Matt Brown, passed away very unexpectedly a couple weeks ago, apparently of a heart attack. Age 42. He is leaving behind a wife and 2 little girls, aged 8 and 4. It's so sad. Matt was a great guy. And an awesome drummer. He played in about 10 bands simultaneously, so his passing is leaving a huge hole in the Chapel Hill music community. There's going to be a concert to benefit his family in June. So all things considered--I hate to complain about my age-related aches and pains and inconveniences.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Catching Up With Old Friends
This month has been all about the people in my former lives. I talked to Susan, my friend in Florida earlier in the month. It was her birthday. Then me and Mikey took a day trip to DC and I had lunch with Carol. Last week, I had dinner with Pat, a former co-worker and x-next door neighbor. We suffered together through 2 different employers and misbehaving teenaged children. In the picture also is Denise, currently out on disability, but we've also worked in 2 different jobs together. Two of the women in this picture are former supervisors of mine, and one is a current coworker. Small world. An interesting fact about this picture--3 of the 5 women here are breast cancer survivors. They are each an inspiration in their own way.
Yesterday, I talked Mikey into accompanying me to a fund-raiser at the Goathouse Refuge. It's a cat sanctuary run by this artist at her cottage studio in the county. She's a potter and uses most of the proceeds from her art sales to fund this cat adoption place. She must have had a 100 cats, maybe more. She had several buildings and fenced in areas so the cats roam free. Volunteers come in to help feed, give medicine, clean up. It's quite an operation she's got there. I took a picture of this guy who was sharing a table with us.
The link to the website:
Oh, and speaking of old friends...I was initially invited to this event by someone I worked with a few years back. I adopted one of her cats when she brought her baby home from the hospital and had to get rid of her cats. Her daughter was born at 24 weeks gestation. It's a pure miracle she survived. She's now an active 11 year old. It was fun catching up with Kiva and hanging out with the cats. Oh did I mention there was ALL kinds of food there. Tons of dessert. Yep, just what I need. More sugar. At least I didn't bring home any cats.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The Calm AFTER the Storm
I'm in danger of becoming one of those crazy old ladies who constantly annoy people with pictures of their pets. I can't help it. My doggies are just so darn ADORable. So precious. So sweet. So tasty cakey on the outside with a delicious creamy filling on the inside. Oh wait a minute. That's not the dogs, that's a twinkie. Sorry. I get them confused all the time. Which reminds local grocery store has started selling Tastee Cakes. I was introduced to their sugary goodness one Christmas during my childhood. My parents had some friends that lived in Pennsylvania which is where they make Tastee Cakes. Every Christmas they would send us a box of cakes and I was hooked. They were very hard to find because very few places outside of PA carried them. Unfortunately, since I am now at least the equivalent of a small killer whale, and each Tastee Cake has a full weeks worth of trans fats and hydrogenated oils, just picking up the box makes my cholesterol go up 50 points. Bummer. I was having a discussion with another of my old friends...we met the first day of junior high during gym class...comparing the pros and cons of aging. There are a few (very few) pros to getting older--like being able to eat dessert first--but they are definitely outweighed by the cons. Like this moustache. You know, Tom Selleck's facial hair is FABulous, but on me, somehow it looks less sexy.
Confessions of a failed homemaker
A friend wanted to come visit me at my home today. Normally I don't respond to those sorts of threats but this is someone I genuinely respect. I figured I better go on and move the trash piles away from the door so she could get in. I was also forced to deal with the overpowering dog odor. I personally don't mind walking around the house with a surgical mask on, but it doesn't seem polite to ask a guest to wear one. Well, long story short...if that is even possible at this point...there was a change in plans and she wasn't able to come over after all. Wow. Dodged that bullet! I know I can't put it off forever. Eventually, I am going to have to deal with this mess. Otherwise the EPA is going to come in and declare my house a health hazard. Maybe I am entitled to some of that military superfund clean up money. I am certain this place now officially qualifies as a toxic waste dump.
So, last weekend me and Mikey were in Washington DC. Very exciting town. I got to see an old friend...and by "old" I mean that we have known each other for 47 years. Holy cow. No wonder I feel like Methuselah's wife. She, of course, looks EXACTLY like she did in the 3rd grade. A little taller, maybe. She and her husband are absolutely adorable. Completely mentally healthy. I find that very refreshing.
OK, so the point of this post was to announce that I went out and bought PINKING SHEERS today. I feel so domestic! Just like that clever old jail bird Martha Stewart. I've got some new projects planned. I'll let you know if they work out. I don't want to spill the bean right now, just in case the whole project goes down the crapper. I'll post a picture soonly.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
today I feel...

...kinda bloated. Must be getting too much sodium in my diet. Probably ought to lay off of the cheetos for awhile. I've been a bit distressed about this weight gain. I just kept packing on the pounds even though I've been on this 2000 calorie diet for over a year. I couldn't figure it out...until I realized it was supposed to be 2000 calories per DAY, not per MEAL. Well, no wonder! The sad truth is there is absolutely no way to lose weight unless you eat less and move more...the 2 things I hate the most. The older I get, the harder it is to motivate myself to exercize and one of the few real joys I have in life is food. Food is my always faithful friend. So comforting. So delicious! But, playtime is over. I am rapidly running out of clothes that fit, so it's either get serious about the diet (how I hate that word) or go buy bigger clothes. Hey, I think there's a sale at Target this weekend! I'll be in the plus size aisle.
Saturday, April 7, 2012

More pictures from the Azalea Garden at WRAL TV Studio. The azaleas in my yard are also in full bloom. I remembered to fertilize them last month, so they look better than ever this year. They're such beautiful flowers, unfortunately, they don't last long. They're gorgeous for about a week or so, then they get straggly.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Palm Sunday

I dragged Mikey out of bed early in the morning to go to the Azalea Garden behind the WRAL TV studio in Raleigh. Of course, once I got him sufficiently caffeinated, he enjoyed it. The last time I came, I was a little late in the season and the azaleas were just past peak. This year I timed it just right. There were literally hundreds of azalea bushes and a few other native flowering plants all blooming their little heads off. It was glorious. After I connected with my inner earth mother and communed with nature for a while, we went home and watched monster movies or something like that. My favorite show, "The Walking Dead" is finished for the season. I'll have to wait months to get my next zombie fix. Next week is Easter. My primary class will be singing in Sacrament meeting. They're adorable.
Friday, March 23, 2012
A birthday AND a congratulations

Time for a double celebration. My baby Bert is now 24. Egad. How did that happen? And my bro is now a Ph.D. I KNOW how that happened...he worked his booty off for the past couple years. We can't decide what to call him--Dr. Daniels? It sounds like a soft drink. I kind of like Dr. Uncle Taumi. He instucted his kids to call him Papa Doc Daniels. My dad is so proud he is about to burst. I'm also very proud of my little brohan, he has always been the smart one. But it kind of makes me feel like I need to do something...and then I come to my senses and go watch something on TV.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Fence is Completed!

It is now the nicest structure on the property, and that includes the house. I'm thinking of popping a tent up in the fenced-in area and burning the house down. It would only increase our property value. But, I jest. Our house is a happy home, that is if you disregard the suicidal depression and rampant drug use. Again, I jest. The next problem we need to deal with is involves a staggering amount of dog waste--if you get my drift--and you will, especially if you live down wind. I suppose we could bury it and pray that it doesn't seep into the ground water. Maybe if we stop feeding the dogs they would stop processing it into poop. It's worth a try.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
A dog's life
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Me and the Grrrls

I am trying to hide. I feel like such a phat thing these days. Possibly because I've gained about 200 pounds this year. I suppose I could blame it on my age, sex, height, race, religion or eye color...but I'm sure it's because I eat so much and never exercize. I refuse to get all caught up in the insanity to look young and sexy...those days are LONG gone. I never have and never will use hair color or plastic surgery. You people are lucky that I even bother to shower from time to time. But, if my lucky leprechaun shows up and grants me a wish...I'd definitely wish for less fat around the middle...and a million tax-free dollars. Oh, so this picture was taken at the office when Neecie came for a visit. We miss her and she misses us. We're all thanking our lucky charms that she finished up her chemotherapy and gets to take a month off. Hopefully she'll be able to come back to work a couple days a week. I notice I have a lot of pictures of my office-mates. Then I remember that I spend more time with them than with my own family. I'm very blessed to work in such a great place with people I can stand to be around.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Please fence me in

**********Since it looks like we will be inheriting the Megadog, Bertie threw a fence into the deal. He's a sweet thing, but such a behemoth that he can't stay inside the house all the time. He thinks he's a chihuahua, but he can dent the walls just by wagging his tail. His feet are the size of pie plates. He could swallow any of us in one gulp, and yet he is quite timid. Loud noises and sudden movements frighten him. He's afraid of pillows...can't quite figure that one out. So, Bert has a friend that builds fences and she put up the necessary funds. I was expecting metal poles and chicken wire, but you can see here that he does quality work.
Friday, March 9, 2012
A good cat

A sad farewell to Wally Crawford. He came to us as a stray kitten about 10 years ago. He was a calm, unobtrusive animal with a pleasant, easy-going personality. He developed some gastro-intestinal problems and began to waste away. However, he never complained. We made the difficult decision to euthanize him...Mike and Mal took him to the vet. Bert came by for a final visit. She said he was glad to see her and kept purring. He was so dehydrated the vet couldn't find a vein so she had to run everyone out of the room and do the intracardiac shot. Mal brought Wally home and laid him to rest next to Kitty Girl. It's always sad to lose a devoted friend.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
First (and last?) snow of the winter

Weird weather. It was sunny and 70 on Saturday and by Sunday night we were getting snow. It had melted off by Monday morning and on Wednesday it was back to 70. Crazy. Got a picture of the little black dog checking out her first snow. I don't think she was impressed. She smelled of it and tasted it and then her feet got cold.
Monday, January 30, 2012
For Mom

My cousin, Keiko, took some of Mom's ashes back to Japan and had her interred in the family site with her mother and sister. They had a memorial service for mom's sister, Fumiko, who died 13 years ago. Apparently it is Buddhist tradition to mark the 13th anniversay. I'm glad Keiko was able to do this for mom. It is somehow comforting. It is certainly more meaningful since mom didn't have a real connection to NC. It's been 6 months now. I think of mom a lot. I certainly miss her, but I miss who she was, not who she had become the last 5 or 6 years of her life. Dad really misses her. He misses her so much that it actually hurts. But, he stays very busy which is good for him. And we all keep chugging along. You have to live until you die, might as well make good use of the time.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Mike, Guitar God
Friday's Reunion

Back in the day, about 30 years ago, there was this rock club called Fridays, in Greensboro, right near the UNCG campus. A lot of interesting bands came through, touring up and down the east coast and doing the college circuit. Before I met Mike and made an honest man of him, he played in several bands and hung out at Fridays. He was part of the "scene" at that time...because he was a musician and also because he worked at a record store down the block. Last Friday night, Dec 30, there was a Fridays reunion. Since Fridays no longer exists, the show was held at "Somewhere Else Tavern." Mike current band, Stratocruiser, played a set, then there was a short set by the Village Pistols. This was a punk band Mike was in when he was 17 or 18. They reformed for this one gig and played all 3 of the songs they knew. It was hilarious. We had a great was a lot of fun seeing people we hadn't seen in years. Since I wasn't one of the old Fridays gang, I was introduced as Mike's wife and Trish's old roommate. Wow, I wonder what happened to Trish. The picture is of Bert, me, Barbara, Jessica and Courtenay.
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