Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oh, my aching memory...

OK, it's officially spring. Even though it's freezing outside and I had to bring my "garden" inside for the night. The robins are back, the cherry trees are blooming, my joints are all accounts, it's spring. I've got several projects underway...nothing finished of course, but I promise to have pictures up shortly. I have rediscovered "Doctor Who." I used to watch this old British sci-fi show on PBS back in college. That was when the actor Tom Baker was the doctor. I was so enthralled with the show I routinely ditched my nutrition class to watch it (this was before I had the technology in place to tape shows and watch them later). I got a C in Nutrition and Doctor Who went off the air in America. Well, BBC America has revived the show and has a bunch of brand new episodes out. I adore the new Doctor. This show has been on the air in the UK since the early 60s, the doctors change their appearance every 5 years or so, you know, like the phoenix being reborn out of the ashes....and a new actor plays him. It's such a fun show, kind of goofy with these cheesy-looking aliens, but also deeply intelligent in a weird way---hey! Kind of like ME. Just kidding. Actually I'm deeply weird in an intelligent way. Or, at least that's what I'm told....and my thousands of loyal fans CAN'T be wrong. Alright, and just in case I hadn't completely convinced you of just how nerdy I really can be---I'm also watching Star Trek for the millionth time. One of those cable networks that I can't remember is running it and they must be using some sort of digitally remastered version, because it's an excellent print. Very sharp, like it was filmed yesterday rather than back in the dark ages when I first saw it. Miguel likes "Land of the Giants" and "Time Tunnel." They aren't my favorites, but I do like the fashions. Well, you know what this means...I'm OLD. I only want to watch the shows I watched when I was a kid. I am only interested in movies and music from the 70s. If I could afford the gas I'd be driving one of those V-8 land yacht muscle cars. Yeah, I remember when gas was 25 cents a gallon. Talk about the good old days!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

It's Unofficially Spring

The first day of spring is next week, but since the robins have returned and the Bradford pears and forsythia are's spring as far as I'm concerned. The birds are visiting the birdfeeders I put up. I thought birds got up early to eat. Apparently my birds all sleep late. They don't show up until mid-morning. So far the cats haven't bothered them and the squirrels are keeping their distance. Life goes on. Everyone is doing well, thanks for asking. My baby Bert is going to be 20 next week. Yikes. I no longer have kids...I have young adult children. I can't get used to this old age stuff. Inside, I'm still 12 years old. But on the outside I'm 112. It's not a bad thing, it's just kinda weird.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Some things that make me happy

I've been on a sort of quest the past few months to find real peace of mind. It's been a struggle, what with all the negativity and hate-mongering out there in the world. But I've persevered, because I want to BE happy. So, with that in mind, I have compiled a partial list of the things that always bring me joy:

1. Seeing/hearing birds. There's something almost mystical about birds in the wild. They neither toil, nor spin, and take no care for tomorrow...they just bopp around having a good ol' time. This is one reason I've taking up bird watching as a serious learn from them how to increase my joy.
2. Petting my cats. True story--researchers at the Minnesota Stroke Institute found that the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke was increased by 40% for people who have never had cats. Wellllll, it's good to know they're good for something besides disemboweling rodents.
3. Looking at pictures of my kids when they were babies. My, how time flies...seeing those round little faces always makes me smile.
4. I love hanging out with my kids. They're amazing. Now that they're all grown up, it's wonderful to still be involved in their lives, in a different way. We're friends. We talk.
5. Having a new recipe turn out really well. What a fun surprise. I don't cook as often as I should, I suppose...but when I do make the effort and test drive a new recipe, it's gratifying to have the family enjoy it well enough to put it into regular rotation.
6. Finding a great bargain. Since I do my shopping almost exclusively at the Thrift Shop, a "bargain" is a relative term. Occasionally I find the HOLY GRAIL...a brand new, name brand item with the original tags in my size. Latest acquisition--a pair of new Levi's 506 jeans for $8. It's better than winning the lottery!!
7. Catching up with old friends. I have a few people in my life I have known for over 30 years and a couple for over 40! It's wonderful to hear from them and find out what they're up to.
8. Going to church. Don't laugh. I LOVE my church. I look forward to Sunday each week. It's the best way I know to end the week...or start the week, depending on how you look at it.

I've figured out one thing. I will share it with you: happiness is a conscious choice. No one and no thing is going to MAKE you all comes from within. I got tired of waiting around for things to be right so I could start being happy...I decided to go on and be happy now and then work on getting everything else straightened out. And hey! If things don't get straightened problem, I'm still happy!!