Friday, March 23, 2012

A birthday AND a congratulations

Time for a double celebration. My baby Bert is now 24. Egad. How did that happen? And my bro is now a Ph.D. I KNOW how that happened...he worked his booty off for the past couple years. We can't decide what to call him--Dr. Daniels? It sounds like a soft drink. I kind of like Dr. Uncle Taumi. He instucted his kids to call him Papa Doc Daniels. My dad is so proud he is about to burst. I'm also very proud of my little brohan, he has always been the smart one. But it kind of makes me feel like I need to do something...and then I come to my senses and go watch something on TV.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Fence is Completed!

It is now the nicest structure on the property, and that includes the house. I'm thinking of popping a tent up in the fenced-in area and burning the house down. It would only increase our property value. But, I jest. Our house is a happy home, that is if you disregard the suicidal depression and rampant drug use. Again, I jest. The next problem we need to deal with is involves a staggering amount of dog waste--if you get my drift--and you will, especially if you live down wind. I suppose we could bury it and pray that it doesn't seep into the ground water. Maybe if we stop feeding the dogs they would stop processing it into poop. It's worth a try.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A dog's life

Here they are, Early and Sophie, doing what they do best...relaxing after a hard day at work. They both just celebrated the very best day of their lives...for the 350th day in a row. What can I say...these guys know how to live. Their priorities are right.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Me and the Grrrls

I am trying to hide. I feel like such a phat thing these days. Possibly because I've gained about 200 pounds this year. I suppose I could blame it on my age, sex, height, race, religion or eye color...but I'm sure it's because I eat so much and never exercize. I refuse to get all caught up in the insanity to look young and sexy...those days are LONG gone. I never have and never will use hair color or plastic surgery. You people are lucky that I even bother to shower from time to time. But, if my lucky leprechaun shows up and grants me a wish...I'd definitely wish for less fat around the middle...and a million tax-free dollars. Oh, so this picture was taken at the office when Neecie came for a visit. We miss her and she misses us. We're all thanking our lucky charms that she finished up her chemotherapy and gets to take a month off. Hopefully she'll be able to come back to work a couple days a week. I notice I have a lot of pictures of my office-mates. Then I remember that I spend more time with them than with my own family. I'm very blessed to work in such a great place with people I can stand to be around.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Please fence me in

**********Since it looks like we will be inheriting the Megadog, Bertie threw a fence into the deal. He's a sweet thing, but such a behemoth that he can't stay inside the house all the time. He thinks he's a chihuahua, but he can dent the walls just by wagging his tail. His feet are the size of pie plates. He could swallow any of us in one gulp, and yet he is quite timid. Loud noises and sudden movements frighten him. He's afraid of pillows...can't quite figure that one out. So, Bert has a friend that builds fences and she put up the necessary funds. I was expecting metal poles and chicken wire, but you can see here that he does quality work.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A good cat

A sad farewell to Wally Crawford. He came to us as a stray kitten about 10 years ago. He was a calm, unobtrusive animal with a pleasant, easy-going personality. He developed some gastro-intestinal problems and began to waste away. However, he never complained. We made the difficult decision to euthanize him...Mike and Mal took him to the vet. Bert came by for a final visit. She said he was glad to see her and kept purring. He was so dehydrated the vet couldn't find a vein so she had to run everyone out of the room and do the intracardiac shot. Mal brought Wally home and laid him to rest next to Kitty Girl. It's always sad to lose a devoted friend.