I am trying to hide. I feel like such a phat thing these days. Possibly because I've gained about 200 pounds this year. I suppose I could blame it on my age, sex, height, race, religion or eye color...but I'm sure it's because I eat so much and never exercize. I refuse to get all caught up in the insanity to look young and sexy...those days are LONG gone. I never have and never will use hair color or plastic surgery. You people are lucky that I even bother to shower from time to time. But, if my lucky leprechaun shows up and grants me a wish...I'd definitely wish for less fat around the middle...and a million tax-free dollars. Oh, so this picture was taken at the office when Neecie came for a visit. We miss her and she misses us. We're all thanking our lucky charms that she finished up her chemotherapy and gets to take a month off. Hopefully she'll be able to come back to work a couple days a week. I notice I have a lot of pictures of my office-mates. Then I remember that I spend more time with them than with my own family. I'm very blessed to work in such a great place with people I can stand to be around.
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