A sad farewell to Wally Crawford. He came to us as a stray kitten about 10 years ago. He was a calm, unobtrusive animal with a pleasant, easy-going personality. He developed some gastro-intestinal problems and began to waste away. However, he never complained. We made the difficult decision to euthanize him...Mike and Mal took him to the vet. Bert came by for a final visit. She said he was glad to see her and kept purring. He was so dehydrated the vet couldn't find a vein so she had to run everyone out of the room and do the intracardiac shot. Mal brought Wally home and laid him to rest next to Kitty Girl. It's always sad to lose a devoted friend.
1 comment:
Oh Anna, I'm so sorry :( Losing a pet is so hard. Thor is now 6 years old and their life span is 5 to 7 years old, it will be so hard when his time comes. :(
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