Monday, June 30, 2014

More Baby Pictures

Jon and baby James. Everyone has to sleep when they get the chance.
He eats. He sleeps. He poops. That's what babies do.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sweet Baby James

He was actually thrilled to see me...he was just too hungry to pose for pictures.
Who's the best baby in the whole world?!?!

Diaper change. He is very serene.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Walk of the Week at Work

Beth, Cathy, Molly, Sharon and me. Diana took the picture.
BCBSNC employees and volunteers, and community members came out to the Museum of Life and Science Wednesday for the inaugural Walk of the Week program. After a brief presentation, Brad Wilson and Wool E. Bull (Durham Bulls baseball team mascot) led the group of about 100 folks on the first walk. The program, along with a $150,000, three-year commitment to help add 1.8 miles of trails to the museum's outdoor campus, will go a long way in getting children and families outside and active.

So--me and my coworkers got to take the morning off for a "field trip/team building exercise." It was really, really hot out. I totally wimped out and went and hid in the air-conditioned butterfly house with Sharon while the rest of the team walked the trail.

It's a wonderful life science museum. It has been upgraded a lot since the last time I took my kids. That would be about 20 years ago. But, the best part of the outing was the opportunity to go eat lunch. We went to Elmo's Diner near Duke east campus. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day 2014

Mike with Danny O'Day and Mike with baby Malcolm

Sweet Baby James--1 week old
Sunday June 15. A wonderful Father's Day. Mike and I made the trek to see Jon and Lila at their home. Little James is all of 1 week old now. He's such a good baby. They have no idea how very lucky they are! Come to think of it, Jon himself was a very good baby. So was Bert. Mal was the one who was so mad all the time. The dude came out screaming and didn't stop until he was about 6 months old. Then he was the happiest kid on earth.

Jon and Lila took 2 of Hal's kittens from the first litter. It was nice seeing them again. They are having to spend more time outside. Lila isn't sure how they feel about the baby yet. She doesn't want them to show their displeasure by peeing all over the baby stuff. Cats can get kind of persnickety at times. They don't always adjust to change right away.

Hannah is still waiting for her big day. She is 38 weeks now. So maybe within the next 2 weeks we'll have grandbaby number 2!

Now this happy little creature is my cousin's first granddaughter. cousin lives in Japan and has 2 children.

His daughter had Maika on May 30. His son is expecting next October. This is so very cool because the last of my mother's generation passed away a few months ago. All her sisters and their husbands are gone now. So now there will be 4 great-grandchildren born to the next generation this year. Life does go on.

I'm sad that my parents didn't get to see their great-grandchildren. It would have been a thrill.

So, while all the young'uns are procreating, I've been that is. My neighbor up the road, besides being an amazing poet, likes to knit hand puppets. We would like to get a booth at the Pittsboro 1st Sunday street fair in October or November. That means I'll need to paint a LOT to have enough inventory to sell. I'll be doing Christmas paintings on wood blocks. Stay tuned!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Grandson Number 1

Baby Boy James, 12 hours old.
 Well, it took a while but my first grandbaby has arrived. Lila was due a week ago Friday. Baby showed no sign of appearing, so she was admitted to the hospital this past Friday for induction. They put her on pitocin Saturday and still no baby, so they turned it off Saturday night so everyone could get some sleep. Sunday morning they started all over again and MANY hours later, baby boy James arrived. He is absolutely perfect, of course. Mom and Dad are exhausted, but doing well. 
All tired out after working hard all weekend.

In case you haven't been paying attention, both grandbabies will be named "James." This particular James doesn't have a middle name yet. The parents will decide on that later today or tomorrow. This was fun. I get to do it again in about 3 weeks. As a grandmother I get all the joy and none of the pain. According to Malcolm, who has carefully examined his astrology chart, this guy will be quite the ladies man. Well, we'll see about that...but he sure has captured my heart.