Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

This was by far the best Christmas we've had in years. We had our family festivities on Christmas Eve since Mal had to work today. It was fun, completely stress free. No crazy drama! No wailing and gnashing of teeth. No screaming and crying. What a nice change. I plan to spend the day today playing with my new toys and watching hours and hours of Doctor Who. Mikey got me the first 4 seasons on DVD. Yay!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Party at the Nursing Home

The nursing home had a Christmas Party for the residents. It was a nice affair...they had snacks and music and mom seemed to enjoy it. She is doing okay these days, although her balance is getting worse. She tends to fall a lot when not supervised. She'll be 84 next month.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Me and Weg

My oldest friend in the world (since the 3rd grade), surprised us with a quick drop in visit. She was driving her neice all over the east coast on a college tour. Kelsey will graduate next May (same as my neice!) and will be heading off to college. It was nice to see them.

Thanksgiving 2009

The family gathered together for Thanksgiving dinner at K&W in Chapel Hill. Thanks to my bro, Taumi, for footing the bill.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kirkland, Ohio

I want to thank Rebecca for putting together this trip and for inviting me to come along. Who would have thought that a bunch of church ladies could have so much fun. I haven't laughed so hard in years, maybe even decades! We left early on a Friday morning and drove north through Virginia and West Virginia. It took about 12 hours to get to Kirkland. We spent Saturday and Sunday visiting historic Kirkland and the Kirkland Temple. We also went to the Arboretum and the lighthouse at Fairport on Lake Erie. There was time for a quick through Amish country and a speedy tour of the Johnson home in Hirum. I'm glad I had the opportunity to go. Thanks Rebecca, Carol and Donna.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

All My Children

I am thinking about how blessed and lucky I am to have such amazing children. They are all just the best. I know I haven't done many things right in my life...but I must have done something because the kids are alright. The whole world has gone completely crazy, but I still have this peaceful little sanctuary right here under this roof. It's heaven on earth, for sure.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Mr. Jones

I'm very sad to report that it appears Kitty Boy Jones, the most amazing cat in the world, has been killed. I am assuming this because a week ago Monday, Jon heard a huge commotion in the evening...he said it sounded like a dog fight, then he could hear a cat. He went out to investigate, but he couldn't find any evidence of dogs or cat. We did another hard target search at daybreak, but again, no remains, no evidence of any kind. Knowing KBJ as I do, I suspect some dogs wandered too close to the house and he went after them. He had no fear of dogs or anything else. Bertie prefers to believe that a family was moving to California and spotted this gorgeous cat, fell in love, and packed him up. He is now sunning himself near a beach in Malibu, happy and enjoying his life. Malcolm is sure KBJ died like a heroic warrior's death...dying while protecting the homeland. Scenario number 3, which Mike puts forward is this: the people up the road who are probably running a meth lab let their pit bull out that evening and he killed my cat. They didn't want to attract attention so they buried him in the woods. Bummer. Wally and Fat are obviously in mourning. They won't eat, they won't come in the house. Wally just sits on the car where KBJ used to sit and gazes off into the distance, waiting for him to return. We're considering grief counseling. It's weird here without him. We've had him over 10 years, since before we moved here. He will be missed.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mikey's Birthday

There was a joint B-day party at Casa de Jane y Jay since Mike, Jane Frances and Clay all have birthdays on the same day. Jay and Jane have a cute little house out in Orange County where they have their studios. They both teach guitar and bass and probably a few other things. They are in the band Velvet and have several other projects going on besides. know what happens when a bunch of musicians get together. Mike and Tom (of Meltzer-Hart) broke into a spontaneous jam. I had no idea Mike could play the upright bass. Bert got all excited and once again decided she wanted to learn to play bass. Jane had this lovely 3/4 bass and gave Bert a quick into lesson. I think it looks good on her!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

And yet more pix

I'm pleased to report everything is going well these days. The weather is fantastic...that always helps my mood. Malcolm has a new job and is loving it. Hannah is doing great at her job. Jon is currently between assignments, but has a couple of good leads. I'm dieting again in an effort to bring my blood pressure down and it's going well...I mean, as far as diets go, it's not killing me yet. Mike is teaching guitar and is up to almost 30 students. WooHoo. Mom and Dad are doing okay, so you know...I can't complain.

More family pix

Some family pix

Malcolm on his motorcycle. He got on the internet one weekend and learned how to build and repair motorcycles. He's very proud of this one. He's using my front porch as his garage and repair shop. Since I'm never going to get on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens, it doesn't matter that much to me. I'm just so thankful none of the kids decided to turn the attic into a meth lab. Somehow having motorcycle parts all over my porch doesn't seem so bad.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Birthday Weekend in Asheville

It's me and Our Lady of Guadelupe at the Basillica of St. Lawrence in Asheville. Mikey and I spend the weekend of my birthday in the mountains. It was great. I LOVE Asheville. What a town! Incredible food, music, art, architecture, scenery. I could live there...if someone would buy me a house in the city and provide food. We left Friday and went to a baseball game in Winston-Salem (the Dash, single A). Spent Saturday and Sunday morning in Asheville and stopped in Black Mountain on the way home. A quick trip, but we had to get back...the cats missed us terribly. So, it's life as per usual now.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I don't see Jon much these days. He lives and works in Cary. He dropped in long enough for me to snap a couple of pictures. He finally got a haircut, so now he looks like an upstanding citizen instead of a homeless bum. It's weird for me to even have to say it...being that I'm such an old hippie myself and really appreciate that anti-establishment stuff...but the fact is, he looks a million times better. It's been a CRAZY week. The celebrities have been dropping like flies and since we are in a culture that worships the rich and famous, that's all anyone talks about. It's kind of ridiculous, when you consider the other really substantive things that people NEED to be dealing with. I've been on a news blackout for TV news, no radio, no newspapers...and I still can't avoid getting sucked into all this silly stuff. I can't wait for school to start so I can bury myself in textbooks and have conversations with smart people.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mi familia

It's difficult these days to get the whole crew together at the same place at the same time, but we lured the kids out with the promise of food. My brother was in town and we had a lovely Father's Day lunch at Mint in Chapel Hill. Excellent Indian food. I think Dad decided to stay home and watch his newly restored TV. Taumi hooked up his digital converter box, so he has reception once again.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Malcolm's Birthday

It was a another hot, muggy night about 23 years ago when Malcolm made his appearance into the world...and the world hasn't been the same since. At his request, we had dinner at Lime & Basil, a Vietnamese place in Chapel Hill. His sister was able to join us. I had an excellent curry tofu. My brother is in town this weekend, so I'll probably meet him and Dad for lunch tomorrow. Busy weekend. I haven't heard from my other job (at the nursing home) so I may have tomorrow night off. I've got my fingers crossed...or I would cross my fingers if my arthritis would let me. Oh yeah, it's really not all about me, is it?? Happy Birthday to my sweet little baby boy.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fortress of Solitude

* * * * * * * * * * I finally have my own personal space. My own room! I'm so excited. After little Bert declared her independence and moved into a house with a friend in Durham (to be nearer to work) I immediately imposed squatter's rights and took over her old bedroom. She had made a mess of it, in the usually teenager kind of way, so I repainted and moved my stuff in. And brother, let me tell you, I've got a lot of stuff. But that's okay. I love my stuff and it doesn't matter how much junk you've got as long as you've got a place to put it. NOW, all my stuff has a home. I so enjoy sitting in my hidey hole surrounded by my books and nick-nack and bags of yarn and half finished craft projects. I even bought a portable DVD player so I can watch episodes of Starsky & Hutch or Midsomer Murders. I'm in heaven. I painted the room pink, mainly as a deterent to male family members, but also because I wanted something extra girly. I've never had a pink room. Dad always painted everything white. I got some gauzy beige curtains with embroidered roses on them. The entire re-do cost less than $50. It was a lot of work, but completely worth the effort. On a sad note, David Carradine died. I was so into Kung Fu back in the day. He also was in one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen...Sonny Boy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I thought I should mark the occasion. I tend not to get too excited about these made up holidays, but I don't want to be a stick in the mud, so...Happy Mother's Day to me and Happy Mother's Day to Mom. I also can't get excited about this "holiday" in particular since it is just a reminder of what I have lost. Alzheimer's gives us a chance to grieve for someone's death before they die. It's exhausting to be in mourning year after year. BUT, since I don't know how long my mom will actually be among us, I take whatever joys I can get, whenever I can get them. I love you, Mom.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Stratocruiser rocks the Cradle

The boys were rocking in Chapel Hill tonight at Cats Cradle. It was a good gig. A fairly decent audience (for a change) opening for Lez Zeppelin--an all girl Zeppelin cover band. I saw that girl band a couple of years ago, so I decided to pass this time. We have here Jeremy (bass), Matt (drums), Mikey (lead guitar) and Clay (vocals, guitar). Good music, great guys.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to Jon

How old is he today? I can't keep up. 31! How is that even possible?

Friday, April 24, 2009

UNC Baseball

Tom Meltzer, Jeff Hart, Eddie Huffman and Miguel at the game - UNC Tarheels vs. Maryland Terrepins. Jeff scored some tickets for us, so instead of going to Greensboro to see the Grasshoppers, we went to Chapel Hill to see some college ball. UNC has a gorgeous stadium on campus. The weather was perfect. Miguel couldn't decide who to root for since he once attended U of M. It was an exciting game. Tarheels won.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Carolina Mudcats

* * * * * * * * * It's the official start of the Carolina Baseball season. Miguel and I are planning to visit each of the 10 minor league ball parks in the state this season. We initiated the "Intensity in 10 Cities" tour at Five County Stadium in Zebulon, home of the Carolina Mudcats, a AA affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds. Mudcats lost to the Huntsville Stars. Zebulon is way the heck out there in the middle of nowhere, past Raleigh, but it's a cute little stadium and they sell catfish sandwiches. We happened to come during $1 beer night, so after the 4th or 5th inning, the fans started getting rowdy. A good time was had by all.


Things are blooming out there. It's awesome...all this nature stuff. I planted some tomatoes and herbs in pots out there on the deck. I filled up the hummingbird feeder and fertilized all the flowering shrubs out front. It's starting to look very nice. I'm thankful to the previous owner who did all the original planting. Now I can enjoy the azaleas (pink, red and coral), clematis, camelias, gardenia and rhododendrons. There's one dogwood out front that is blooming. I'm very blessed to be able to step out my door and be surrounded by flowers and trees. I can hear birds and frogs. I can see the sky, day and night. I don't think I would enjoy living in a big city. I like the feel of dirt under my feet. I like clean air. These things should not be taken for granted. It's been a very busy month. All kinds of things going on. But, I am taking time to stop and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2 down and 1 to go

Baby girl has moved into her own place. She needed to be closer to her job, so she and a friend are renting a cute little house. Of course we miss her terribly, but I do have to say, the extra space in our hovel is welcome. So only Malcolm is left at home. He is gainfully employed and dating, so we don't see much of him around these days. We've turned the living room back into a living was Bert's bedroom. I am using her old room as my Fortress of Solitude. The bat cave. own room!! Life is busy. But life is good.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Covenant Discipleship Group

I joined an accountability group last month. It's been really helpful, you know, in these difficult times, it's nice to be part of something that keeps you grounded and yet is spiritually growth-promoting. And these women are incredible. I'm so thankful to be part of the group. We all have our "issues" and are dealing with all kinds of crap in our lives...but we support each other and pray for each other. It's so great.

Life continues

* * * * * * * * * * * It got cold and the heat pump died. The thought of going even more deeply into debt to pay for a replacement system just rips my guts out. But...what are ya gonna do...I'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. On a happier note, my baby baby turned 21 on Monday. It's just unbelievable how quickly that happened. Now she's a hair stylist, getting ready to move out into her own place. Mike is in a new band. In addition to Stratocruiser, he has formed The Kinksmen--doing Kinks covers. Fun stuff. They made their debut at a cystic fibrosis charity event a couple weeks ago. And speaking of musical debuts -- I will be playing the piano this Sunday at Evergreen Methodist. Yikes. This may be my first and final performance. We'll see if I get asked back. Mom is stable. Just the usual nursing home type issues. It could be worse. I'm working a few shifts at a different nursing to do something to pay for that heat pump!! And that's about it for now.

Monday, March 2, 2009


I can't believe it snowed again. Under normal circumstances I love to see it...but since our heater is totally out of commission and it is about 40 degrees INSIDE the house, I'm less than pleased. The heater man is supposed to be here today to repair the unit. I HOPE is going to be down to 18 tonight. Otherwise, things are moving along at a right good clip. I started a part-time job at a nursing home. I'll probably pick up a shift once a week...I don't think I can stand much more than that. Me and Mikey went to an Orthodox service a couple Sundays ago. It was great! I was just really in the mood for something very formal and traditional. I think it was a bit of shock to Mikey's system though. It was a fairly long service (for a non-church goer) and there was a LOT of standing. I went to Ash Wednesday services at a Methodist church down the road. They are well funded, so they have a lovely building in an expensive neighborhood. We planned to go to Judea Reform on Friday night for shabbat, but we decided to stay home and watch a movie instead. "The Bank Job" with Jason Statham. It was a religious experience for me. Lastly, the robins are out in force and my first daffodil has come up, so spring is coming. Thank God!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Birthday to Dad and Amarra. And happy anniversary to me, I guess. If I had stayed married the first time, this would be number 33. Good grief. So, Mr. Pollock, wherever you are, have a lovely day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The (almost) Graduate

My little Bert is finishing up at Aveda tomorrow...she starts her real J.O.B. this Saturday at a salon in Durham. No rest for the wicked. Actually she is anxious to get started so she can start making to start paying off those school loans. yikes. We had a little celebration at an Irish pub tonight. Here is a lovely picture of Malcolm with his girlfriend, Erin. Then Bertie's boyfriend, Jason and lastly the gorgeous and talented Miss Bert. They're such good kids. We had a nice time. I enjoy my children as adults.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let the good times roll

There's something diabolical about our family occasions...whether it's a holiday celebration or life milestone...something always goes horribly wrong. Take today, for instance, it's my anniversary and I got a speeding ticket--my FIRST ever. I'm so angry. I NEVER speed...everyone always makes fun of me for driving like an old lady. After the cop was finished humiliating me I rushed immediately to the store and bought some chocolate cherry kisses. I'm going spend the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself and stuffing my fat face with candy. grrrrrrrrr. Anyhow, me and Mikey took ourselves out for our anniversary lunch at this Indian place in Chapel Hill, Mint. The food was really good altho it was overshadowed by the financial disaster this ticket is going to bring on. Let's see...what else is new in my world...well, Mikey bought a new (used) dishwasher. Nothing says "I love you" quite like a used dishwasher. Gotta love Craig's List. It's almost as addicting as Facebook. Which reminds me, if you are ever over that way, look me up.


This is us when we were dating, oh so many years ago. It's hard to believe its been almost a quarter century with this guy. Dig those groovy glasses, dude. Now that's a fad that needs to die a permanent death. We've got no plans for the day since Miguel is working...maybe we can slip out for a romantic lunch at Taco Bell...that's where we ate after we got married at the courthouse in Rockville, MD. Yeah, living large. That's the Nicholson way. We got married the day the space shuttle blew up. There's nothing like a national disaster to help seal the deal. Be sure to look us up on Facebook.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally, some snow!

Well, this is a momentous more ways than one. For once the weatherman was right on the money. He said it would start snowing after midnight and end about noon. It's so beautiful...very fluffy. I filled up the birdfeeders and those guys have been busy. I have never seen so many birds at one time. Mikey is sick, but dragged himself out of bed so we could watch the inauguration. Afterwards Mike said, "yeah, but what's he going to do about bringing coffee to the snowbound." Looks like we're going to be stuck here for the duration. If you happen to be driving by, please bring coffee to Mike...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to the King

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't acknowledge Elvis' birthday. How old would he be now...100? 150? I can't remember. Yesterday was Mom's birthday. She is 83 now. Dad will be 83 next month. Indeed, time does fly. Here it is, well into 2009, and I haven't made any resolutions yet. I had some vague notions about losing weight and exercising and some other nonsense like that...but I'm over it now. No point in setting myself up for failure. My only goal in life now is to get by with a minimum of grief and pain. I've given up on all those youthful becoming rich and famous. But Hey! Not to worry...I've already outived the King by a decade. By all accounts I'm a late bloomer. I have many more years to go, God willing, and I haven't peaked yet!!