It was a another hot, muggy night about 23 years ago when Malcolm made his appearance into the world...and the world hasn't been the same since. At his request, we had dinner at Lime & Basil, a Vietnamese place in Chapel Hill. His sister was able to join us. I had an excellent curry tofu. My brother is in town this weekend, so I'll probably meet him and Dad for lunch tomorrow. Busy weekend. I haven't heard from my other job (at the nursing home) so I may have tomorrow night off. I've got my fingers crossed...or I would cross my fingers if my arthritis would let me. Oh yeah, it's really not all about me, is it?? Happy Birthday to my sweet little baby boy.
Happy Birthday to one of your greatest creations ... and someone who became one of my favorite people on the planet when I had the opportunity to get to know him a little better a year ago. Truly -- on top of seeing you, sitting in your living room and talking with him was a huge highlight.
You have raised a great kid -- gentle, kind, smart AND wise, funny, fun, ironic, and handsome ... he lights up a room and doesn't even know it. I look forward to seeing him again.
Which, by the way, should be soon -- we have moved back into the city, and we have a guest room! Just across Connecticut Ave. from Adams Morgan. There is music to be heard in these parts ... come see us.
They sure grow up way to fast, I'm sad that we have always lived far apart and I didn't get to know your children, but I'm betting that they are every bit was wonderful as you are :).
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