Tuesday, December 28, 2010

White Christmas

It started snowing Christmas day. We had maybe 4 inches on the ground the next day. It's been COLD...so it's all still there, plus some ice. I've been busy trying to keep the bird feeder filled up. Those guys eat like pigs. I'm glad we had a big snowfall, but now I'm ready for springtime.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Office Christmas Party 2010

Annual Department Christmas Party at Jackie's house. She has such a lovely home. She really gets into decorating for the holiday. Everyone was able to be there including 2 retired employees. Jackie's daughter and grandson also showed up. We had the traditional lasagna with spinach/strawberry salad. Patsy has become the happy homemaker since retirement. She made a wonderful raspberry coffee cake. It was also great to see Denise. She finished up her chemotherapy and will be back to work after the new year. She's been missed. It will be good to have her back.