THIS is your fig. This is your fig on drugs. This is your Fig Newton. Another glorious vacation day. Got up early and met Dad for breakfast at McDonalds in Siler City. Then we drove over to my friend Shelley's place to pick figs. She is a hoot. A complete ball of energy. In fact, she can be kind of exhausting to be around. Her sister told her she was like a hummingbird on crack. She and Dad got on like gangbusters. She was very anxious to get advice on gardening. If there is ONE thing Dad knows about, it is gardening. After all he has a lifetime of practical knowledge on the subject. He seemed very happy to share his expertise. We wandered around through the wet grass looking at all her projects until my shoes were soaked. My pants were wet up to the knees. I finally left them there talking so I could run over to Walmart and buy cheap eats. For dinner, me and Miquelito had sauteed squash and onions (Dad's fresh squash) and roasted okra (also Dad's, and freshly picked), with tomatoes on the side--more from the garden. DEEElish! Oh, and figs for dessert. Those were from Shelley's trees. We're going to watch 50s sci-fi movie later. Then, I guess, my vacation is over. *sigh* I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off. I did everything I wanted to do. I didn't overeat or overspend. And I really got to relax. It's worth it to have a job just so you can enjoy your time off. I wonder what unemployed people do on vacation???
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