So..I've started my vacation. Since I'm not going anywhere, I guess it's really more of a STA-cation. Let's see, yesterday I washed the dogs and put some cinderblocks up under the trailer. Then I had to rest from all the excitement. Today, I went to see Dad after church and picked up some tomatoes and okra. Then went to see a friend, Sunnina, who has been having health problems. She gave me a lovely necklace for my birthday. I roasted the okra for dinner. Delicious. My current favorite TV show is coming on in a few minutes--Breaking Bad. I think this may be the last season. I guess there's only so much you say about a guy who cooks meth for a living. Tomorrow I will see Mal, who needs money for some classes this semester. I'd probably never hear from my kids if I didn't have any money. Just kidding. They like me, even when I don't give them money.
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