Sunday, May 13, 2012

Free-range Feral Cat Farm

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day. This is my first mother's day without a mother. It's kind of weird. I decided I needed a new project, so one afternoon as I was wandering through the local pet supply shop looking for fun new toys for my dogs, I saw a flyer for this place looking for homes for rescued feral cats. These are cats that have become wild and do not make good house pets, but need a safe place to hang out. This local group is doing a Trap-Neuter-Release program. Since we were down to one cat, I called them up. So, it turns out there were a bunch of cats living in and around some old woman's house in Hillsborough and the neighbors were going to call animal control to round them up and kill them. They trapped the ones that they could and had them fixed and doctored up. Yesterday, 2 very sweet ladies, Mary and Maggie, brought 2 guys over. They set up 2 crates with litter boxes and food and water bowls and even gave me the food and litter. SO, I have 2 young-ish males, a yellow tabby and a gray and white tabby. They were trapped and neutered this week, so they are grumpy. So far they have been sulking in the crates, but they are eating and pooping. After a week or 2, I'll let them out and HOPEFULLY they'll set up residence nearby. I'll feed them, otherwise, they remain wild. I'll take a picture when they relax. They are camera shy right now.


LDSVenus said...

Hope you had a Happy Mother's day, because even tho your mom has "returned" home, you are a mom too. :) I do understand the loss tho, I miss mine too. Because my youngest's death was so close to Mother's day I didnt celebrate last year or this year, I'll see how I feel next year.

Terry Jackson said...

That's great that you're taking part in a TNR program. We actually have set one up here and have been trying to get some traction with some local charity. Our friend Pokey has kind of become the mascot of our warehouse. We'd love to see some pictures of your new buds!