Monday, December 31, 2007
The cross-eyed bear
2007 recap. As I look back on what was undoubtedly the single worst year of my life, I am reminded of the words of my mentor and spiritual advisor, Mick Jagger, who once said, "you can't always get what you want..." Truer words were never sung. Then again, I have to remind myself of all the truly wonderful blessings I have received during the year. In spite of my little stroll through hell, there were some absolute bright spots. So, I finish up the year wiser, fatter and deeper in debt...but thankful for my family, friends, coworkers and cats...glad that I have a great job and live in a peaceful home. To continue to quote Sir Mick, "...sometimes you get what you need." And that's that. Happy new year everyone.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Seasons Greetings

A picture of me with my lovely children in a winter wonderland, courtesy of the magic of photoshop. It's getting more and more difficult to get everyone together these days. Everyone has a life that no longer revolves around ME!! My darling Bert fixed dinner last night, her own creation--orzo and spinach with teriyaki tofu. Excellent. We scaled back this year. No presents, but Miguel still got me the director's cut of Blade Runner. I just love that movie. It's a quiet day around Chez Nicholson. I was hoping for snow, but no such luck. A fake picture will have to do for now.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas, ya'll !

My boss once again opened up her home for our annual holiday party and lasagna fest. Besides the usual suspects, we were joined by Zoey (the cocker spaniel), Sadie (black lab), Izzy (yorkie) and a yellow lab puppy, whose name escapes me at the moment. Sorry about that. These memory lapses are annoying. The boss LOVES to decorate so her home was just dazzling. She scaled back this year and only put up 13 trees. I tried to get some pictures but they didn't turn out. So, I've included a pic of the office tree, also courtesy of the boss. We got a lot of grief about our lime green and hot pink tree, but I thought it looked great. I am so very blessed to work for such a wonderful manager. And my coworkers are just the best. I couldn't ask for a better work situation. Happy holidays to all and may the new year bring peace and joy.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Holiday Party #2

I'm a member of the local chapter of the's a work-related thing...don't worry about it. Anywho, they had their holiday party last Saturday at Jonny Carino's. The food was good, a little heavy on the pasta maybe, and we were kind of squeezed into a small room, but I had a nice time. Here's a picture of me, looking extra gray for some reason, and my coworkers, Pooh and Flossie. I've got 3 more parties to attend this year, plus we will probably go to Terry Anderson's annual birthday party on Christmas night. My social calendar is full. It's exhausting being so popular.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I heart NY

My cousin Keiko and her husband Tak were visiting over the weekend. It was so nice to see them again. They've been living in NY for the past 18 years or so. The rest of mom's family lives in Japan. Mom recognized Keiko and spoke to her in Japanese. Keiko always brings Japanese food, which is a big treat for mom.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Some more family pix

My most excellent brother was visiting over the weekend, so we took advantage of this photo opportunity. Pictured here with my bro, Taumi, are mom and dad and my number 3 child, Bert. You can see mom still looks radiant, even though she has a mild case of pneumonia. Her dexterity is pretty good, she is eating sushi with chopsticks. She doesn't talk much these days, but otherwise, she seems okay. She still putters around the unit, always keeping busy. She never was one for sitting around doing nothing. The staff at the nursing home realizes this, so they let her "help" out. Honestly, this Alzheimer's stuff really sucks, but we're all coping the best we can. When mom first started getting sick, when her behavior was so bizarre, I kept reminding myself and everyone else that she was doing the best she could with what she had to work with. And you know, if the truth be told, that's all any of us can do.
Sweatin' to the oldies

Miguel's band had a gig at the Lincoln Theater last Saturday night. For some odd reason, they played AFTER the headliner. The headline act (which shall remain nameless) was an OLD, fairly well-known band that I saw back in 1979. Apparently they bussed in their fans from the nearby nursing homes and when they were done, the geriatric set packed up their walkers and oxygen tanks and went back to bed. I'm just sorry they didn't time their medications more carefully so that they were able to stay alert through the Stratocruiser set. Miguelito and the boys rocked the joint. I love seeing Mike play guitar. He does it so well and is so natural on stage. Anyhow, the headline act was competent, but cheesy. They stopped evolving musically in the mid 70s and the singer's fashion sensibilities are firmly rooted in the Miami Vice era. It's the only show I've seen recently where the roadcrew had to set up a defibrillator along with the keyboards. OK, I'm probably being unnecessarily cruel for comic effect. But, it was great being at a club and being the youngest person in the room for a change!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's Fall, finally

It took a long time for the tree to turn this year. It was so warm in October...we had some 90 degree days. I think the drought affected the colors. They're not very vibrant. But, it's cooler now, we've had some frost and the holiday season is here. We went to a Diwali festival at the Hindu temple in Morrisville last Saturday. This is the Indian Festival of Lights. There were lots of kids performing and crowds of people in traditional dress. It was very colorful. Whoever thought NC had such a huge Indian population?! Anyhow, we had some terrific food and heard great music. I took a picture of the road in front of the house. You can see a little color out there. The leaves will be dropping soon and then maybe we'll get some SNOW!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I meet a celebrity

I know it seems like I go hang out at that sleazy dive, Local 506, all the time, but really I don't. When Miguel is working, I can see the bands for free. I am all about the freebies! Last night, Juliette and the Licks were playing. Juliette is Juliette Lewis, the actress. There were two opening acts, Suffragette and Scissors for Lefty (I think I got that right). Before the show started I was hanging out on the street with Miguel, thinking about getting some Indian food from the place next door and Juliette Lewis walks up (alone, no entourage). We chatted a few minutes about Indian food and her tour. She's very nice and normal, and skinny. So, that was kind of cool. She and her band put on a great show. The place was packed so I wasn't in a good position to get pictures. SO, I took a picture of my Bert, front row center...she came home from college for the evening. She's my little superstar!! And I did get up early and go to you see, I'm not a total degenerate.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween

It's my favorite holiday. Last night Miquelito was running sound at Local 506 for Evil Weiner and Dexter Romwebber. I think they play 506 every Halloween. Anyhow, that gave me an excuse to go to Chapel Hill for the festivities. Halloween on Franklin Street is like a little Mardi Gras and it's the closest I'll ever get to the real thing. They block off the streets for the pedestrians...and then it's costumes on parade! I didn't see as many really clever costumes as I have in the past...but then again, 506 is right on the edge of the action and the serious Halloweeners were probably downtown. I only took a few pictures. Here's me at the club with the human cannonball and starman, flashing my gang sign. And I found Kid Rock on the street.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
NC State Fair

The department had a "team building exercize" at the State Fair today. The admission was free if you brought 4 cans of food for the NC Food Bank. I took a ton of was hard to decide which ones to put up on the blog. I was trying to find a couple things that were sort of representative of the whole experience. I put up one of the department...we're so proud that the company is a sponsor of the fair. And there's one that sort of captures the spirit of the fair...which is a celebration of state agriculture. We made a special effort to attend the pig races. That's always a lot of fun. And we sampled a variety of fried food. It's truly can fry just about anything. The effects of the drought were very evident. The big waterfall was turned off and you could really see how the plants have suffered all summer. This is the first time I've been to the fair in about 15 years. It was fun, but I'm good now for another 10 or 15 years.
Monday, October 15, 2007
There goes the neighborhood
New development going in...right down the road from our little bungalow in the low rent district. There's something really weird about building a bunch of McMansions way out here in the county...between the dairy and the crack house. I'd like to know who they think can afford a multi-million dollar house...certainly none of the locals...since the meth labs got busted there's no place to work!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The New Kid
Just what I needed...ANOTHER cat. We're at critical mass here and the other night this kitten just shows up at the door looking for a handout. The word must be out in feral cat land that I'm a soft touch. So, after a quick meal, this little guy is here to stay. I'm hoping we can find a good home for him SOON, before he gets too comfortable, although it may already be too late for that. He's the sweetest natured cat in the world. His color is a cross between Karl and Wally. He looks so much like Karl that I wonder if they aren't related. Karl's mother, Higgid, may have had a litter or two before she wandered onto our porch (with 4 kittens in tow). I wanted to call him Cleocatra until I realized he was a boy. Malcolm calls him Theo. Anyhow...if you know anyone who needs a cat (yeah, like anyone NEEDS a cat) please let me know. And on a lighter note, my spinning friend Vicky turned me on to this great show on Animal Planet "Meerkat Manor." I think I'm hooked. She wants me to crochet a meerkat for her, so I'm going to give it a shot. The pattern is at Guess I better go track down some mohair and get to work. Oh...and fall break starts today. We got a FULL house for the next week.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Yo, Baby!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Mary's kids

I babysit my neighbor's dogs from time to time. Here I am with (from left to right) Annie, Gabe and Vinnie. Annie is blind and Vinnie is deaf...Gabe is okay though. Nevertheless, they are wonderful dogs...sweet and well-mannered. They mind really well and don't make much mess...if only my own children were so cooperative!
Carrboro Music Festival

Friends, family and band mates...Stratocruiser played at Cat's Cradle yesterday for the Carrboro Music Festival. Pictured here starting with my darling daughter Bert and going clockwise are: Miguel, Clay, Jack, Jay, Emily, Gary, Donna and Matt in front. Not pictured: Malcolm, who got hungry and walked up to Ben & Jerry's where he now works to try to get some free ice cream. They wouldn't give him any freebies, but said he could work a couple hours and earn some ice cream. So he did. All the acts at the festival got food coupons, so after the gig, and after Malcolm's shift, we ate at Amante's. Excellent pizza by the way. I highly recommend the greek pizza.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
It's a nice day for a white wedding

Scott and Betty made it official today. They had a lovely wedding at the Sedgefield Country Club and reception afterwards where three-fourths of Stratocruiser played. Jack had a gig with his other band, so Mike, Clay and Matt did an accoustic set. The weather was perfect and the food was great. What more could you ask for?! Scott is an old friend of Mike's from way back in high school. He's also been very helpful to the band. Betty is just an incredibly sweet person. They're such a nice couple! Best wishes you guys!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Support your local artist

The family got together again last weekend at Broad Street Cafe in Durham. Kellin, besides being Malcolm's best friend since kindergarten, is a talented artist and all around nice guy. Bertie drove in from college with some of her friends. It was fun hanging out with the kids. I started watching "The Astro-Zombies" but fell asleep about a half hour into it...that should be some indication of how fascinating it was. I only attempted a viewing because Tura Satana was in it and she was so great in the Russ Meyer classic "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" But, alas, even her presence couldn't liven up this dud. I think we've about exhausted the decent zombie movies and are moving on to 50s Sci-Fi..."The Time Machine" and "Forbidden Planet." Congratulations are in order for Mike's drummer Matt. He and his wife had a baby this weekend...a little girl. Also early congratulations to Mike's bass player Jack. He and Emily are expecting their first baby in March. And while I'm at it, congratulations to Tim and Celeste...expecting in February.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Feliz Cumpleanos, Miguel!

The FAMILY got together to celebrate Mikey's 45th. The pictures were taken in front of Udupi, an Indian vegetarian place in Cary on Sept 13. Excellent food. For Indian food fans, I can also recommend Bombay Grill in Durham. So, back to the movies... for the discriminating afficianado of fine zombie films, I must mention "28 Days Later." It's intelligent. Me and Mikey watched "The Plague of the Zombies" (1966) last's a Hammer film, which means it's British and the blood is extra red. And speaking of blood, "Dead Alive" is billed as the bloodiest movie ever made, and they are talking about shear volume. It's actually almost a comedy. It is from New Zealand; the original title was "Braindead" and it was made by Peter might remember him from a little trilogy of films called "Lord of the Rings." If you need to kill a couple of hours and don't care how you do it, you can give a viewing to "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed Up Zombies" (1964). Seriously, that's the title. This is probably the 2nd worst movie ever made. I liked the costar with the thick Eastern European accent and the speech impediment. Without subtitles he was utterly unintelligible. I'm so happy that movies this bad actually get made. * * * A shout out to my nieces...Arrianne and Allanna who are 15 and 13. Happy birthday, girls!!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Down at the river

Hey, ya'll. I wanted to post a couple of pictures of the Haw River so you could see the effects of the drought. Normally, this river would be full of kayakers, but right now you can walk across it. I was climbing down to the canoe launch, which is no easy task for a lazy woman of my advanced age, and it occurred to me how quiet and isolated it was. I suddenly felt sort of uneasy stumbling around in the underbrush all alone. Maybe it's because I watched this ridiculous movie last night "The Hills Have Eyes." I am a great fan of zombie movies and this movie was really your basic zombie movie only with nuclear mutants instead of the undead. I've seen about a half dozen movies with the standard plot of the family (or group of teenagers) who get lost off the mainroad and end up being stalked and eaten by zombies, mutants, assorted freaks and/or psychopaths. After a sufficient quantity of blood has been spilled, the survivor(s) finally break free, only to find out they were tricked by someone they trusted and end up dead anyway. If you want to see a good zombie movie, here are my recommendations: Night of the Living Dead (the original, a true classic), Dawn of the Dead (the remake is completely superior to the original) and Shawn of the Dead (a fantastic spoof of the genre). I personally really liked the "Planet Terror" segment of "Grindhouse" but even I realize it's not for everyone. I hate light romantic comedies. I throw that out there in case anyone was thinking about buying me some DVDs for Christmas.
Something weird growing in my yard
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Farewell, Johnny

We made an appearance at Local 506 for Johnny's going-away party. He has a fabulous job offer and is moving to NYC. He's been called up to the major leagues. For more about that you can check it out at: His old band, Stone Fox, reformed for a last farewell gig. The Stone Fox lineup is Johnny, Jared, the brother of Jared and Big Dave on drums. We didn't stay long, because I'm a working girl and have to get up early. My days as a club rat are long gone. I don't have a picture of me...I forgot to alert the press that I was going to be in public...but take it from me, I looked FANtastic. Just kidding. Truthfully, I had just spent a long day at the office toting those bales and lifting those barges and I was kind of droopy looking. However, I did manage to rally for the occasion...just trowel on the makeup, change into my not-so-dowdy old lady clothes and off I go...throwing back those club sodas with lime and hunting for ear plugs so I can tolerate being in the same room with the band. Seriously, they were really loud. We were half way home and I could STILL hear them. They were so loud they were disrupting migratory bird patterns. Yes, this is how I know I'm old. I'm overly concerned with preserving what is left of my hearing.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Bert and Wally

Just wanted to post a picture of my baby...both my babies actually. Bert is trying out a new look. I think she looks marvelous no matter what she does. Even the pink hair in high school looked great on her. She's going with darker brown now, which makes her skin look extra peachy and creamy. And Wally...what can I say...he is a charmer. He's not the best looking cat I own, but he is probably the most agreeable.
Back to school

In typical Nicholson fashion...we made the move back to the dorms in the most poorly planned and disorganized way possible. But HEY! That's the way we do things around here!! It reminded me of that ridiculous trip to Boston several years ago for my brother's wedding. Just one disaster after another. I'll tell you all about it someday. However, also in typical Nicholson fashion, what needed to be done, eventually got done, although not without a lot of blood, sweat and tears (mostly mine). The kids are settled in at their respective colleges and things seem to be going well for them so far. Mom is also doing well, thanks for asking. I popped in on Saturday to bring her laundry and to give her a bath. When I left she was in the dining room sweeping the floor. She's happiest when she is busy. Dad is having a hard time with all this, hopefully it will get easier as time goes on. I met some awesome women at the church last night. They have had such interesing lives. I had a great time listening to their stories. I posted some pictures of the kids...Mal loading up the van in 100 degree heat. He's real happy about it as you can see. And a picture of my angel in her new dorm room with a tiny fraction of the stuff she brought.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Mom in her new home

Dad and I moved Mom into her new nursing home yesterday. Due to various financial issues, it was necessary to move her into a different type of facility. This is the 5th placement she has had in the past year. Hopefully, this will be a little more permanent. The good news is, it's all the same to her. She doesn't have that much awareness about where she is place is as good as another. This whole situation (dealing with Alzheimers) has been quite an ordeal. I really hope we can relax for a little while, just to catch our breath before the next crisis comes along.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Happy Birthday to me!

What a special day. I had breakfast in bed, champagne mimosas and a small omelette. Then the limo came and picked me up and drove me to downtown Pittsboro where there was a parade in my honor. A private jet flew me to Paris so I could have dinner in the city of my birth. Then the cat woke me up. Oh well. Actually it was a nice, quiet day with the family. Miquel bought me a set of watches. Now I have one for every item in my closet. In fact, I need to go buy more clothes to go with all the different watch bands. While we were in town, we stopped by some friends' apartment to pick up an organ (the kind you play, not like a kidney or a lung or anything). I had my picture taken with Johnny and Josh. Very sexy. My darling son gave me a HUGE diamond. I don't think it's real though. Then we ate at a new place in Pittsboro, the Carolina Brewery. Good food. Good company. Overall, an excellent day.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Lookin' HOT!

And I don't mean sexy...I mean, it's like 100 degrees outside right now. I ventured out to snap a pre-birthday portrait and after 30 seconds I was dripping in sweat, my make-up was melting off my face, so I gave up. I discovered something else...white is not a slimming color on me. I'll be glad when cold weather returns so I can start wearing black again. Technically, summer is over next week when the kids go back to college. I'm just reeling. Time has gotten away from me. It occurs to me that my life is probably more than half over...unless I live to be over a 100 and I'm not counting on that happening. I have some news for all the youngsters out there...the first half of life is the best ain't getting better from here on out. I may get wiser, but I won't get healthier or cuter. Oh well. Guess I best get busy...time's a wastin.
Monday, August 6, 2007
I'm feeling all arty...
Skin Art
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