And I have proof! The jonquils are pushing their little heads through the cold ground and starting to bloom. The camelia bush out front is also starting to bloom, but it might be because it is confused. The plants and trees get all excited when we have these warms days in the middle of winter. My new hobby is birdwatching. It's like the cheapest thing I can do...and never have to leave my neighborhood. I was hiking around this weekend checking out the local bird populations and I saw this awesome woodpecker. I'm not sure what kind it was...the more experienced birdwatchers tell me it may have been a Pileated Woodpecker. Well, whatever it was...it was huge. It looked like a black and white turkey hanging on that tree. Do you want to know when a hawk is in the air? OK, I'll tell you. Listen for the crows. They go crazy when a hawk is circling. I'm going to put up some birdfeeders. The hummingbirds will be back in April, so I'll need to get a feeder for those little guys. Nicholsonia has been officially declared a bird sanctuary..with stiff penalties for the cats if they transgress.
1 comment:
Birds are very cool to watch, I had that family of Robins that nested on my porch last year but they didnt like my coming out on the porch to spin so they only had one family there, then some Doves took over (love to listen to them cooing.) They left the nest really nasty with baby bird poos all filling it up, so I took the nest down a month ago, before the nesting starts again, and they will have to build a new one :P. I put up a dark, but still can see thorough it kinda sorta, plastic so they dont see me as well and we can both enjoy my porch :). My favorite bird is the Cardinal tho. :)
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