The other man in my life is 82 now. Good gracious. What an old dude. He isn't too keen on getting his picture taken these days, so I'm posting instead an old photo of some tobacco farmers from about the 30s or 40s. Dad grew up in the eastern part of the state. He and everyone else around there made a living raising tobacco....not much a living actually. Dad said it was a miserable way to starve to death. He finally got so hungry that he lied about his age and joined the Navy. He said he was worried the war would end before he could enlist. He was stationed in Guantanamo (yes, the one in Cuba) until his time was up and then he came home for awhile. There was no work, so he joined the Army. He stayed in 21 years....went to Korea twice. He had orders for Vietnam, but decided to retire. He's spending his time these days cutting wood and visiting Mom. He can certainly be proud of the fact that he brought himself up from nothing and made a good life for himself and his family.
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