Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I've been hung!

I'm so excited. I've joined the Chapel Hill Art Gallery and now have some stuff hanging. I've got 6 of my watercolors there now. I will be the featured artist in January which means I will have a whole room to myself and can fill it up with a whole bunch of my crap. I still can't believe all of this is happening. It's been such a crazy year...lots of turmoil...and suddenly everything turned around and now I have my art on display. Wow. So here's an important life lesson--just hang in there because things have a way of working themselves out.

3 of my paintings now on display

1 comment:

LDSVenus said...

I am sooo excited for you too :). It's like when I enter a piece of knitting at the fair and it wins a ribbon for everyone to see. :)