Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Just wanted to post the latest picture of mom. She has been doing well lately. I think all the activity, driving back and forth to dad's house and seeing family members, has been really good for her. The stimulation seems to have made her more alert. She's healthy and seems to be in generally good spirits. It's as much as we can hope for at this point. Sure do miss her cooking though!

Late Thanksgiving

My brother, Taumi, drove down from Virginia and my cousin, Keiko, flew in from NY last Saturday and we had yet another Thanksgiving dinner at Dad's house. So, I've had 3 Thanksgiving dinners this year. Wow. No wonder I can't lose any weight. Nevertheless, it has been such a blessing to spend time with family and for that I'm truly thankful.

Karl enjoying a warm autumn day

Lovely weather we're having. Although it's getting colder. Winter approacheth. Weight Watchers launched their new/improved program yesterday, so I'm all pumped up and psyched out to lose the next 15 pounds.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Early Thanksgiving 2010

Since my little Bert is spending the Thanksgiving holiday with her boyfriend's family in Atlanta, we decided to have our family Thanksgiving a little early this year. We went to Breadman's in Chapel Hill...a Nicholson fave hangout since the early 1990's. It's cheap and casual--which also describes us. I probably went a little over my points allotment for the day, but it wasn't too bad. My Weight Watcher's weigh-in today went well. I'm down almost 15 pounds so far. Hopefully I won't put it all back on during the holiday marathon eating season.

Fall 2010 - View from the front door

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mikey goes to the hospital

OK, so Thursday evening I came home from work and the Rescue Squad was sitting in my driveway. My initial thought was, oh no, Malcolm has had a terrible allergic reaction...then I see the paramedics in the studio with Mike. It seems that Mike fell while trying to get out the door and totally dislocated his shoulder. We spent the next several hours in the ER at UNC Hospital. An x-ray confirmed the dislocation. Mike got shot up with morphine, then dilaudid. The nurse was really nice and good-looking. We called him Handsome Bob. Eventually 2 doctors showed up and one got on one side of the bed and the other one got on the other side and they yanked his shoulder back into place. Very low tech. Handsome Bob gave Mike some versed, or maybe it was fentanyl...I forget, but whatever it was, it worked really well. Mike got another x-ray and then we went home. Got home about midnight. It was a LONG day. It has become apparent that Mike should not be allowed to go unsupervised or unmedicated. He thinks he needs a life alert and a scooter. In the meantime, he should stay out of the studio. This is the 3rd incident related to a fall in the studio.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The major part of the move is done...now I need to do some organizing and decorating. After all, this is my home away from home. And seeing as how I'll be spending the next 15 years in this cube farm, I might as well get comfortable. As you can see, the light is wonderful. However, I do have a partially obstructed view...that big support pole is right over my head. In fact if I zip around the corner without paying close attention, I will give myself a severe concussion and possibly even brain damage. I think my cubicle is smaller than the one I had downstairs, but I hate to complain...seeing as how I fought so hard for my window seat. I don't want to appear too greedy. My across the wall coworker is Beth, who is only in the office 2 or 3 days a week. And my across the aisle neighbor is Ruth, who I used to work with years ago. Another slight drawback...since we're back with the rest of the company, we are subject to the prevailing dress code, which is jeans only on Fridays. We had no dress code when we in the basement, since no one ever saw us. I didn't have any pants that weren't jeans, so I went to the thrift shop (PTA Thrift in Pittsboro)on Saturday and they were having a sale--women's pants 10 cents each. Don't tell ME there is no God. He's looking out for me!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Moving On Up

After 4 years in the basement, the department is moving back upstairs. I'm supposed to be getting a window seat--it's the little things that really make life worth living. We spent most of last week packing up. In spite of this great "paperless" system, we still have tons of folders in hanging files that needed packing. Tomorrow, all our stuff is supposed to be upstairs and we can start the whole process of unpacking and arranging our cubicles. I'm looking forward to seeing daylight, but it has been very quiet down in the basement...no one could find us. We'll be farther away from the cafeteria though. That might be a good thing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Me and the Baby Girl

My how time flies...etc, etc. So, what's new in my world? Well, I started Weight Watchers at work 5 weeks ago and I'm down 10 pounds. Only 400 more to go. Mike has been at it for 10 weeks and he has lost 20 pounds. It's a fairly easy diet plan--oh, excuse me, it's NOT a "die-it", it's a "live-it." We've made a lot of adjustments around here and I tell you, it's a lot easier when everyone is on the plan. No more junk food in the house. Anyhow, you can definitely lose weight if you stick with the program. I took mom to see dad last Saturday. I was going to go to the church Fall Festival, but I was tired and took a nap and when I got up I was too out of sorts to do anything. Halloween has come and gone and I have nothing to show for it. Not even a piece of candy. We did watch a lot of old, classic horror films from the 30s and 40s. Great fun. Sunday was the Primary Sacrament presentation at church. The kids were amazing. They really pulled it together. My baby came by briefly Sunday afternoon to do some laundry. I can't believe that she is a fully functional adult now.