Saturday, January 16, 2010

Last Day at Work

My coworker and cubicle neighbor, Patsy, retired from Blue Cross after 28 years. Wow. And what's more impressive, she drove about 50 miles to work each way, on I-40 which is a horrific mess. The crazy woman got up at 4:30 every morning. She always looked perfect when she got to work, always impeccably dressed and color coordinated. I just roll out of bed,put on my shoes and go to work. Kind of like I did when I was in college. I just can't be bothered with primping anymore. I probably should care more...but right now I can't muster up the mental energy. I got a shot of her in her cubicle. The standing joke around the office was about how jam-packed her cubicle was. She had EVERYTHING in was a mini-Walmart...AND she knew exactly where everything was. Amazing.

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