Kitty Boy Jones resting in the "garden." I planted a couple of tomatoes (cherry and grape) to go with the herbs. I don't have space for much more...we're out here under the trees and don't get enough direct sunlight. Maybe I should try growing mushrooms instead. So, last weekend we had our branch cookout at Vista Point (on the shores of mighty Jordan Lake). I came for the food, but left before the sleep over. I told them if they ever have a camp out at Embassy Suites to count me in. Otherwise, I have to go home and sleep on my mattress in my climate controlled bedroom. I did enough camping as a kid to last a lifetime. I went to see mom yesterday after work. I gave her a shower and washed her hair, which I do about once every week....because for some reason the nursing home staff can't seem to get around to it...but that's okay, I'm glad to be of service. She never said a word the whole time. After about a hour and a half I called Dad on the cell phone and let him say hello to her. I asked her loudly (because she's deaf as a post), "Can you hear Dad?" She smiled and said, "I can hear him." I told Dad that was the first thing she had spoken. He told me he had said "I love you" in Japanese. She had indeed heard and understood. That made us all happy. We have to hang on to these little moments because they're so increasingly rare.
1 comment:
I'm glad you get to go see your mom and do things for her every week. They will be special memories later on, and when you see each other again when we return to our Father in Heaven, she will know how much you loved her. It's really hard to watch these strong women who were, for those who have passed away and are, for those who haven't passed away yet, our mothers decline with illness and age, but they will be strong again, and we will see them again as we remembered them in our youth.
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