Just got back from Virginia. My brother is hosting Thanksgiving at his home this weekend. His in-laws, about 40 of them, have come in from all parts of the country, so Dad thought this would be a good time to meet that side of the family. It was great to see my little nieces again. The girls are 16, 14 and 11 now. I can't believe it. The younger girls are taking harp lessons, so they played a few songs for us. It was wonderful. I thought about how much mom would have enjoyed seeing them. She absolutely adored having her children perform music. I used to have to play the piano anytime we had guests and I just hated it. Of course now I wish I had been a better sport about it....for mom's sake. Oh well. Anyhoo, I'm glad we had the chance to visit and I'm glad to be back home. I'm looking forward to a long, uneventfull weekend.