but it just looks so cool. I suppose it's some kind of fungus. Nature is wonderful. Me and Mal set up the telescope the other night and I saw the moons of Jupiter. That was so amazing. I really wish I lived in NM again...lots of sky out there. There's too many trees and clouds here. And too much light pollution. THANKSGIVING: I didn't get pictures of the kids this year, but you know what they look like. Not much change since last year. The menu: baked chicken and stuffing casserole, apples and cranberry in the crock pot, baked sweet potatoes and greenbean with mushrooms. Later I baked apple/cranberry/spice cake. I'm so thrilled to have an oven finally! Dad ate at his cousin Clingman's house. He went to see Taumi last week. And let's see, what else is going on...it's super busy at work, but I like it...Mal got worked up for his allergies and it turns out he is allergic to beef, pork, lamb and cow's milk. Bummer. The meat is not a problem, but avoiding dairy is tough. Jon's been coming over and doing my yard work. It's a big help. And little Bert is still in school, working, and breaking up with her boyfriend. Life goes on...